Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Test-Driven Development with Python.

Harry Percival (@hjwp / obeythetestinggoat on gmail) has written a new book on TDD with python: "Test-Driven Development with Python." An early release of the book is available for free reading on

Last week he led a webcast, "Outside-in TDD and Unit Test Isolation with Python, Django and Selenium." It was almost 2 hours, lots of Good stuff. He started by explaining traditional (inside-out) TDD and then contrasted to outside-in, all in the context of a webapp.

O'Reilly dropped a 50% discount code during the webcast, not sure how long it will last: "WCYAZ".

I "watched" the webcast live, but was on my phone which only provided the audio stream and not the slides. I'm looking forward to watching the archive and reading the book.