Friday, February 12, 2010

Bil & Ted's Excellent Adventure

Can't afford to attend TED in person? Consider a BIL conference.

BIL 2010 Starts tomorrow, Friday Feb 12th in Long Beach. I'd go if I wasn't on vacation in Hawai'i. Props to Tilly for telling me about this conference at last month's Mindshare la, I hope you're going and taking notes.

BIL 2010 is happening right now in Long Beach, CA. View the livestream or the BIL2010 website.

BIL is an ad-hoc conference for people changing the world in big ways. It's a place for passionate people to come together to energize, brainstorm, and take action. We invite you to bring your world into ours.

John Smart -- Evo Devo Universe
Understanding the universe in an evolutionary and developmental way
Kiem Tjong -- Democratizing the University Innovation Process
Why is it so difficult to commercialize university technologies, and how can we better harvest the work of our brightest minds.
Cameron Sinclair -- Open Source Architecture: From TED Prize to reality
Open Architecture Network, winner of the TED Prize and the world’s first open source site for architectural solutions to humanitarian crises.
Brad Templeton -- The Evils of Cloud Computing
There is a darkness to this cloud computing movement: we are giving other companies all our personal data to store and handle.
David Hale -- Pillbox – Identify Unknown Drugs
This tool allows users to visually search for and identify unknown pills using appearance information and high resolution images.
Alexandros Pagidas -- University of the Future
Current education does not create free, creative and wise individuals, but workers for the requirements of the market. Most universities give you an education that will supply you with a career – not a good life.
Jayson Elliot -- Rethinking the Modern GUI
Why are we stuck with the same user interface computers had 30 years ago? Jayson explores the future of the Graphical User Interface.
John Schloendorn -- A Garage-Level Biomedical Research Effort is Taking on Death
Using out-of-the-box thinking and a shoestring budget to attempt to cure human aging.
Chia Hwu -- Communities in Healthcare
Healthcare is about people. How can communities be used to improve it?
Deep Learning for Artificial Intelligence
How do we build natural intelligence into machines?

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